XYZ Ltd organises a meeting in order to decide on the safety stock level of a strategic material which
is used in XYZ latest product - DMD. To do this, they must forecast the future demand for this new
product. In the meeting, external consultants are invited to join with cross - functional team. Each
person of the group anonymously replies to questionnaires and subsequently receives feedback in
the form of a statistical representation of the "group response," after which the process repeats
itself. The goal is to reduce the range of responses and arrive at something closer to expert
consensus. XYZ Ltd is using which forecasting method?
Question No 2
XYZ Ltd has been adopting MRP system for years. The system helps the company improve effi - ciency
greatly and generates huge cost - savings. However, MRP system is only limited to produc - tion process
management and XYZ management team would like to have better insights into re - sources required
across the organisation as a whole. Which software system would help XYZ management team
achieve the above objective?
Question No 3
Assuming that all other factors are constant except one, the net present value of a capital expendi - ture increases when...?
Question No 4
A supermarket calculates that the average holding cost for an item is $1.50 per cubic meter per day.
A beer pallet which has volume of 0.5 cubic meter will be stored for 5 days. What is the holding cost
of this beer pallet?
Question No 5
Which of the following is the minimum aisle width for using standard counterbalanced forklifts?