Your team uses Story Points to estimate User stories.
Halfway through a Sprint, you are not seeing the progress you expected. The Team feels some Stories
are not estimated correctly, when compared to other Stories.
How should you address this?
Question No 2
Why is a Product Owner not allowed to define the workload of the Development Team for a new
Question No 3
What is one of the most difficult challenges you face when transitioning your software development
team to Scrum?
Question No 4
Your organization found that the Product Owner is consistently under more pressure than the
developments and other participants in the project.
What is common solution for that?
Question No 5
A Scrum Team suggests to have a project with 3 Sprints of 2 weeks, while the customer suggests 1
Sprint of 6 weeks.
What is the greatest advantage of having 3 Sprints of 2 weeks?