When a role is dropped, which role inherits ownership of objects owned by the dropped role?
Question No 2
Company A uses Snowflake to manage audio files of call recordings. Company A hired Company B,
who also uses Snowflake, to transcribe the audio files for further
Company A's Administrator created a share.
What object should be added to the share to allow Company B access to the files?
Question No 3
A retailer uses a TRANSACTIONS table (100M rows, 1.2 TB) that has been clustered by the STORE_ID
column (varchar(50)). The vast majority of analyses on this table are
grouped by STORE_ID to look at store performance.
There are 1000 stores operated by the retailer but most sales come from only 20 stores. The
Administrator notes that most queries are currently experiencing poor pruning,
with large amounts of bytes processed by even simple queries.
Why is this occurring?
Question No 4
A team is provisioning new lower environments from the production database using cloning. All
production objects and references reside in the database, and do not have
external references.
What set of object references needs to be re - pointed before granting access for usage?
Question No 5
Which function is the role SECURITYADMIN responsible for that is not granted to role USERADMIN?